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Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez

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Download PDF Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez

Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez

The author doesn't have a writing style that is memorable, nor one for which I would normally give a five star rating. However, the book is a tour de force worthy of five stars due to the broad range of subject he does a fantastic job of describing. They include the terrifying world of 24/7 government surveillance and micro-management of every aspect of every citizen’s life and countless other concepts. I feel like this is a book I’ve imagined in my dreams, but Max Hernandez was able to put the pen to paper, so to speak, and in a way that can allow anyone, from Luddite to tech nerd, understand just how bad the situation has become in this country.
While, at times, he does little to hide the fact that other authors have profoundly influenced his work and thinking, namely Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Ayn Rand, he has the self-confidence and journalistic integrity to not only mention these two and numerous other authors at the end of the book, but to provide a ‘suggested reading list’ that is top notch. (If every adult in the US simply read the books he suggested, our country would take an overnight turn for the better.)
The novel reads like a roman à clef insofar as it is gives the eerie feeling that something like this is happening now or has happened already in America. But, the book is quite simply a HUGE, WELL WRITTEN, WAKE-UP CALL to all Americans. Hernandez makes it crystal clear that our rights are under assault and we are being pushed, not led off cliffs by masses of slimy politician and government bureaucrats, all who have interlocking means of bringing the average citizen to their knees.
The author writes about thorium reactors and gives the reader enough insight to do further research to question, “Why are these reactors not being built?” He doesn’t cram the idea down your throat that these reactors are the solution to the world’s energy needs, but he makes the reader want to find out more.
Hernandez has a similar way of describing other technologies and potential advancements in the protection of human rights. He provides the reader just enough understanding and background so that the reader can go on to learn about other subjects.
If I could sum up what Hernandez accomplished in this novel it would be to a) show he can write an extremely compelling novel that is hard to put down; b) show the reader that we have very much to fear from the ‘powers that be’, even if we think we’ve never done anything wrong in our lives; c) that privacy is, at best, an illusion and that; d) we should all learn to protect our privacy, our friends, and our anonymity to the best of our ability. Oh, and I think he’d agree that we should trust very few people in this world.
It seems clear to me that Hernandez would be very pleased if everyone who had read his book would go on to study Internet privacy, government meddling in the private affairs of its citizens, the intrusive and destructive nature of not only the government, but just how damaging appointed bureaucrats can be and become better citizens.
Lastly, Hernandez shows that we, the people, can actually succeed if we start taking powers back from the government and that we actually outnumber and can eventually overwhelm all government forces with some hard work, determination and by helping one another. But, to me, the best point Hernandez makes in the book is that freedom can not only be taken from every individual, but also from every government official, as they turn their backs on one another to protect their own behinds. Their wall is crumbling and they can’t keep their thumbs in the dyke much longer. So, it is a call for every government official to wake up and to actually protect and defend the Constitution, as they swore to do when elected or appointed!
I loved the book and plan on having all three of my children read it, when they get a little older.

Read Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez

Tags : Thieves Emporium - Kindle edition by Max Hernandez. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Thieves Emporium.,ebook,Max Hernandez,Thieves Emporium,New Badlands Publishing,FICTION Thrillers Technological

Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez Reviews

A thought provoking novel set in a future dystopia where personal privacy doesn't exist and the government is always watching and looking to make an example of any potential political opposition. However, an opposing shadow world exists in the "Badlands" with its own economy, currency and code of conduct which the government will stop at nothing to defeat. Max Hernandez has created a well crafted and complex storyline with tons of depth that is still terrifyingly believable.

Oh and there are heroes to root for and bad guys to hate (including some graphic sexual violence) so be prepared for a bumpy ride in this classic good vs. evil Sci-Fi thriller.
It is a parable, I think the term is, for the modern times. Substantially correct, if sometimes over-simple. But at the last, anyone who tries, in any way at all, to wake up the slumbering American people deserves strong support.
I have no doubt that the near future of the West will be traumatic... And some of our worst enemies in the camp of the tyrants are in their own minds well intentioned.... Such is the history of tyranny.
The USA is s lynch pin in this emerging struggle between Local and Globalist agendas. As a committed Localist, I urge you to buy and read this e-book. There is a fight already happening, with much worse to come... Now is the time to pull your boots on and get useful.
Dismantle Globalism, end centralisation of Control.
Freedom and Anonymity are rapidly eroding.... Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Gripping story, but the misspellings, typos and word omissions often left me reading a sentence a few times, especially in the last quarter of the book. Author needs a better editor or at least a decent proofreader. This annoyance didn't destroy what is a readable and nicely paced narrative. I've recommended the book to friends even though there are obvious problems with the book as published. There are also vague or nonexistent character motivation issues. The book is sloppy in a lot of ways, but the story convinces the reader to keep turning the pages. My advice to the author is get a good editor before the next book is released.
This is the scariest book I have read recently. What Hernandez calls the new badlands is often referred to as the dark net or dark web. He casts a sobering picture of how desperately Homeland Security is trying to control the internet and of the FED's effort to devalue the dollar (leading to the FEMA camps). He provides links to Thorium reactors which may solve our nations energy dependence issues. He also shows how difficult it is to track where the recent Wikileaks of e-mails originate (probably not Russia.)
BEST fictionaized practical intro to the still-emerging post-Internet "Underground" yet! Comprehensive, practical, concise and clearly presented. 100% cybertech-accurate and STILL comprehensible to the newcomer to the Web. (NOT "cyuberpunk", please rtest assured.)

Full of surprises from the start, plotwise. A fast-paced, thoroughly enjoyable romp of a realistically gritty Human Interest adventure. Characters on BOTH sides of the "Civ Line" engaged my empathy.

Came up perfectly well in my Firefox v.49 browser under Linux, too. Not locked out from books any more! BEAUTIFUL! So THANKS, , for hosting this novel!

Fact , y'gonna' get MORE sales from this well-satisfied customer's on-the-ground talk-um-up! Reverend Walking Turtle of PINNACLE CROSSING HOUSE recommends it highly to one and all. And that ain't all. 0{;-)o[
The author doesn't have a writing style that is memorable, nor one for which I would normally give a five star rating. However, the book is a tour de force worthy of five stars due to the broad range of subject he does a fantastic job of describing. They include the terrifying world of 24/7 government surveillance and micro-management of every aspect of every citizen’s life and countless other concepts. I feel like this is a book I’ve imagined in my dreams, but Max Hernandez was able to put the pen to paper, so to speak, and in a way that can allow anyone, from Luddite to tech nerd, understand just how bad the situation has become in this country.
While, at times, he does little to hide the fact that other authors have profoundly influenced his work and thinking, namely Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Ayn Rand, he has the self-confidence and journalistic integrity to not only mention these two and numerous other authors at the end of the book, but to provide a ‘suggested reading list’ that is top notch. (If every adult in the US simply read the books he suggested, our country would take an overnight turn for the better.)
The novel reads like a roman à clef insofar as it is gives the eerie feeling that something like this is happening now or has happened already in America. But, the book is quite simply a HUGE, WELL WRITTEN, WAKE-UP CALL to all Americans. Hernandez makes it crystal clear that our rights are under assault and we are being pushed, not led off cliffs by masses of slimy politician and government bureaucrats, all who have interlocking means of bringing the average citizen to their knees.
The author writes about thorium reactors and gives the reader enough insight to do further research to question, “Why are these reactors not being built?” He doesn’t cram the idea down your throat that these reactors are the solution to the world’s energy needs, but he makes the reader want to find out more.
Hernandez has a similar way of describing other technologies and potential advancements in the protection of human rights. He provides the reader just enough understanding and background so that the reader can go on to learn about other subjects.
If I could sum up what Hernandez accomplished in this novel it would be to a) show he can write an extremely compelling novel that is hard to put down; b) show the reader that we have very much to fear from the ‘powers that be’, even if we think we’ve never done anything wrong in our lives; c) that privacy is, at best, an illusion and that; d) we should all learn to protect our privacy, our friends, and our anonymity to the best of our ability. Oh, and I think he’d agree that we should trust very few people in this world.
It seems clear to me that Hernandez would be very pleased if everyone who had read his book would go on to study Internet privacy, government meddling in the private affairs of its citizens, the intrusive and destructive nature of not only the government, but just how damaging appointed bureaucrats can be and become better citizens.
Lastly, Hernandez shows that we, the people, can actually succeed if we start taking powers back from the government and that we actually outnumber and can eventually overwhelm all government forces with some hard work, determination and by helping one another. But, to me, the best point Hernandez makes in the book is that freedom can not only be taken from every individual, but also from every government official, as they turn their backs on one another to protect their own behinds. Their wall is crumbling and they can’t keep their thumbs in the dyke much longer. So, it is a call for every government official to wake up and to actually protect and defend the Constitution, as they swore to do when elected or appointed!
I loved the book and plan on having all three of my children read it, when they get a little older.
Ebook PDF Thieves Emporium eBook Max Hernandez

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