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I Connecting The Soul Quest Kristina Kaine Robert Sardello Books

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I Connecting The Soul Quest Kristina Kaine Robert Sardello Books

El trabajo de Kristine Kaine es fabuloso. En éste texto se presenta una psicología ampliada por una fenomenología rigurosa de la experiencia interior del ser humano. Para mi, un trabajo inspirador, que invita a una comprensión profunda del ser humano. El libro desborda de una espiritualidad auténtica y seria.

Read I Connecting The Soul Quest Kristina Kaine Robert Sardello Books

Tags : I Connecting: The Soul's Quest (9780977982530): Kristina Kaine, Robert Sardello: Books,Kristina Kaine, Robert Sardello,I Connecting: The Soul's Quest,SteinerBooks,097798253X,General,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Occultism,Body, Mind & Spirit,Body, Mind & Spirit General,New Age,New Age Body, Mind & Spirit,Occultism,Psychology: Spiritual Psychology

I Connecting The Soul Quest Kristina Kaine Robert Sardello Books Reviews

To live the life you were born to live, to know the path you we're meant to follow, your purpose for being here, the real quest at hand. Are just a few of the ideas and questions I found answered in a way that resonated with a clarity of understanding while bringing me much joy as I read knowing this book is something I would share with those in my life. Many dots are connected to paint a picture of understanding that will help us humans evolve. There is a degree of comfort knowing everyone is in the process of growing in awareness wherever there at and through, I CONNECTING THE SOUL'S QUEST those who are fortunate to experience this book will find the time spent very rewarding for themselves and their circle of friends and their friends, friends.

Kristina Kane has magically come into my life with this book which builds on much of what Rudolf Steiner conveyed in many of his lectures. It is written for where we are at today in our evolving consciousness. Kristina speaks from a very authentic place ~ her, "I AM". I highly recommend this book! She also has a number of kindle books out there for those who like her style and are seeking more.
The concepts of soul and spirit, which I have always found a challenge to comprehend, are so clearly and masterfully described in "I Connecting". Through reading and working with this most illuminating as well as practical book, I have been able to come to a better understanding of myself, felt inwardly enlivened and become more aware of the impact my own life has on those around me.

In "I Connecting", Kristina gives us a clear picture of how our soul and our "I" are at work and interweave in our daily lives. She invites us to become active participants in life, to become conscious of what we are thinking, feeling and doing and to move away from going about life in an automatic way. As we engage in this active process and embrace the practical exercises suggested, we can both feel and observe changes happening within ourselves.

I highly recommend "I Connecting" to anyone who wishes to understand the inner journey each one of us takes through life and our quest to truly know ourselves.
Kristina Kaine's books are deeply satisfying to read and to study and this one is no exception. I have read her blogs for a while now and I tore through her latest book THE SOUL'S SECRET. I can say that every word rings true and brings about a change in the soul. I felt rejuvenated!

We are living in a time of crisis. We all tend to look to others for change, but if we truly want to improve the world we have to start with ourselves. The work we do on ourselves ripples out to the world whether we know it or not. That is why this book is so important, and why I highly recommend it.
I've been a huge fan of Kristina Kaine's Bible interpretations for many years, reading her blog and other books. She does her own translations from the original Greek and takes obscure or confusing passages from the Bible and brings them to life in a way that is amazing and profound.

She gives wise and practical advice for daily living via her meditations on the REAL meaning of Christ's words. An invaluable resource. I will buy all her books. They are genuine treasures for anyone interested in Christian meditations, esoteric wisdom, or Bible translations into modern day English (without dumbing down any of the concepts).
Not original or engaging. There are others who have reserached self both scientifically and through mystical or other tradtitions as the Jungic or Buddist. Try Lawrence Leshan's "The medium, mystic and physicist". Vedic teachers or T.L. Osborn

My reviews are an exercise in I-connecting. I would never have thought about that possibility before I read this book of Kristina Kaine's. Yet, I cannot mistake that aspect of my writing because the next passage so accurately describes the process I go through while writing a detailed review of a book, a process that I am literally going through at this very moment as my fingers dance across the keys and words appear on the screen in front of my eyes. I read this book, made notes in it of important passages to me, and now as I write my observations of the book, I inject my own thoughts which reinforce or modulate the thoughts of the writer. In the process of writing I learn more about myself, and in the process of reading you may learn more about yourself.

[page 94] Thinking takes energy and we are often too tired or too lazy to invest the energy. Creative and energetic thinking is the greatest tool for strengthening of the I-connection. The more conscious we are, the more observant we will be of everything in our environment. Then when we reflect on our observations and inject them with our own thoughts, our I-connection will give us new understanding. Our "I" will then have greater control over our soul faculties and we will be more harmonious and balanced. When we are placed in a position of thinking a thing through, we should take time to think creatively and originally by putting more energy into the process.

Just as we may be getting a feeling of power from all this I-connecting stuff, Kaine tosses us a big bender, a curve ball which comes out of nowhere to startle us The Power of feeling Powerless. I'll let her words explain this seeming paradox to you, but some homework will be required if you do not immediately understand it.

[page 107] There is a final matter for consideration in this journey of self-understanding. As we start to experience the inner workings of our soul a feeling of powerlessness can arise within us. As we become aware of how often our soul's automatic processes take over we can feel powerless to do anything about this. There is, however, a secret in this feeling of powerlessness. If we allow ourselves to experience it our I-connection is strengthened. Essentially the feeling of power in our soul is usually connected with our egotistical feelings. If we can quieten them down by accepting the feeling of powerlessness, we will suddenly become aware of the presence of our "I" in our soul and how it has a different sense of 'power' . . . [a] quiet confidence and self esteem.
If we apply all this information in our daily lives, if we make a habit of vigorously thinking things through as we move through life, we will be strong and vital citizens. Each of us is different and these processes work in each of us differently. Only we can understand the working of it for our self. This means that how one person applies the information in this book is not good for all. The framework of the information is solid and lends itself to being adapted and personalized easily.

As we approach the end of this book together, I have a confession to make I was the oldest of six children. I was a petty tyrant and didn't know it. I was left in charge of my brothers and sister often either explicitly or implicitly. If my mother was busy inside I made decisions to keep them from bothering her. I was imposing my will on my siblings and some of them resent me for that to this day. I was too young to know that what I was doing was wrong, but having made my biggest mistake first, I soon learned as my brothers grew older and got bigger than I was that just telling them to do something was not going to work. I had four children by age 25 and here I was the oldest again. As the oldest, I sought the company of men older than I was as a means of balancing the otherwise unbalanced life of my youth. I did not do a good job in managing people during my work career because workers do not like to have another's will imposed upon them. I got the work I was assigned done, but had unhappy workers. I was faced through a large portion of my life with a bootstrap effort of learning to work with other people, and I found it difficult to learn the things that my younger brother David knew intuitively how to gain the cooperation of other people without commanding them. Getting along with others is what the youngest child seems to learn naturally and without effort.

[page 143] When we become more conscious we have more choice in our life and hence more freedom. The beginnings of freedom can be as simple as the awareness of choices. The urge to freedom is inherent in our being and restlessness is often its birth pangs. How we apply our will to direct this restlessness and, in turn, how we express freedom is pivotal to the health of our soul. An important step is to become more aware of the subtle way we use our will. Do we try to influence others by imposing our will on them? This can be as simple as trying to convince others of our own view of things. Or do we express ourselves as individuals in community with other individuals? The greatest test for this is how strongly we cling to our own ideas without remaining open to the ideas of others, and whether our own ideas evolve or stay the same.

I was restless and unhappy about this part of my life -- restlessness is movement in search of meaning -- and I knew that I was searching for something. I found that meaning when I became conscious of the relation of my birth order as oldest child to the difficulties I had faced. My position as oldest child led me to wish to be a manager, but it did not prepare me at all for managing adults! I had much learning yet to do, and still do. But through it all, my Soul Captain keeps steering me through interesting venues which continue to challenge me. In the words of the title of this book, I was on a journey of I-Connecting, my Soul's Quest. I was in searching of blooming.

[page 144] As we experience the work of our soul and our "I" within our being we realize that there is much more to know about ourselves than we know at present. This is the quest of the soul; to become conscious enough to know self and to know others. This quest is not particularly arduous; it is simply a journey of increasing awareness, of becoming more conscious day by day. The pace of the quest is completely optional and each step changes us forever. If we awaken our soul it will never sleep again. Once a flower blooms it cannot un-bloom! If we are determined to engage more fully with our "I" then our I-connection matures and influences our life henceforth.

The journey is apace, it is a journey into God, and we are launching our ship into the future. Our "I", our Soul Captain is at the helm. There will be quiet seas and stormy seas. Days of clouds and days of sun. We will all bloom in time. There may be some delayed blooming, but there is no un-blooming. Let us enjoy the heady cruise that we are on. We punched our ticket at birth and began this new journey together, you and I. Some of you came on board this great ship Earth before me, some after me. We have taught each other and learned from each other. Always I strive to keep this motto ever before me Thus a Teacher, So Also a Learner. Let us all bloom together.

A great way to start is to read Kristina Kaine's book "I Connecting"
Bobby Matherne
El trabajo de Kristine Kaine es fabuloso. En éste texto se presenta una psicología ampliada por una fenomenología rigurosa de la experiencia interior del ser humano. Para mi, un trabajo inspirador, que invita a una comprensión profunda del ser humano. El libro desborda de una espiritualidad auténtica y seria.
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